Steele Creek Values-Your Voice in Raleigh
Education is a pathway to greater opportunities for our youth and strengthens our economy and communities. Unfortunately, our state has been failing its future generations due to a lack in adequate funding of our education system. North Carolina teachers earn thousands of dollars below the national average. This must change. We must adequately fund our school systems, recruit and train teachers and pay a wage that reflects the vital role they play in our state.
To be successful in the 21st century we must act with the future in mind. To that end, we need to provide support for broadband expansion so that students are able to have access to educational opportunities 24/7.


We must grow the middle class by providing access to jobs with higher wages and by fighting income inequity. We must also provide the resources needed to support a robust local small business community so that it works for everyone.
Our goal is to recruit top talent and businesses to the region, but we must ensure that Charlotte residents are fully trained to be able to be hired by these companies.
North Carolina has not increased its minimum wage in over a decade. Currently our minimum wage is lower than that of all but two states. A person working full time at minimum wage cannot afford to rent an apartment anywhere in District 92. A raise in the state minimum wage will benefit our economy by allowing more funds to flow to local businesses.
In today’s ever-changing world, accessible mental health care is more necessary than ever. Our youth are exposed to traumas that the average parent may not even recognize. My focus is on expanding access to mental health programs, especially for North Carolina’s youth.
Our State needs to ensure that we provide basic workplace protections and health issues such as paid family leave, sick days, and vacation times to ensure a successful, happy and productive workforce.

We must strengthen our infrastructure to ensure that Charlotte continues to be an attractive destination for the top businesses and talent across the country.
The airport is the economic engine of District 92 and the city of Charlotte, and we must do everything we can to provide it the support it needs as it continues to expand.
I will continue to work with the North Carolina Department of Transportation to ensure that the proposed improvements to Highway 160 are done on time and on budget.
Serious criminal justice reform must be a priority for our state. This includes bail reform, ensuring that our drug treatment courts are fully funded across the State and strengthening workforce development programs to reduce the barrier of entry back into the workforce as we welcome home our formerly incarcerated.
We must ensure that more is done for affordable housing across the state and pass legislation to ensure that tenants are protected from predatory out of state landlords.